phone: (425) 644-6335 | email:
(disclaimer) The Ka-Chu (TM) facecover is not certified for medical use by NIOSH, the responsible U.S. federal agency. Neither is it a substitute for social distancing recommended by the (U.S.) Center for Disease Control (CDC).

Orders and Inquiries
(updated nov 18, 2022)

Thank you for your interest in the Ka-Chu facecover.

We are deeply saddened by the toll taken by the current pandemic, which still does not seem to be abating.

Perhaps this website will awaken interest in the need for more effective facecoverings.

I have a limited supply of Ka-Chu's available, fabricated by hand, and 4-packs fabricated in China to my specifications.

I will try to respond promptly to all inquiries and order requests, and to update the website as the need may arise.

death is in the aisles
take care to protect yourselves
all who rise to leave


donald len bassman

dlb haiku logo